How to Manually Update PBS with a Plugin Zip File

How to Manually Update PBS with a Plugin Zip File

How to Manually Update PBS with a Plugin Zip File

Note: Do this when you already have PBS installed and activated, and you want to update it with a zip file that you downloaded from the site, or from an attachment we sent you from an email.

Note: We’re using another plugin to perform updates, this allows us to update PBS right away without the need to uninstall it first.

Go to Plugins > Add New, then in the search box, search for the plugin “Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades”

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Once you find the plugin, install and activate it.

file Z7Xzi6kQD8

After activating the Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades plugin, go again to Plugins > Add New, then click on the Upload Plugin button near the top:

file A4JzQMWjzu

Choose and install the Page Builder Sandwich zip file,

file oUXOASkueT

That’s it. Now you should have the new version of PBS.

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